PostFinance for WooCommerce Plugin

Das WordPress-Plugin “TWINT for WooCommerce” erweitert deinen WooCommerce-Onlineshop mit der mobilen Zahlungsart TWINT und ermöglicht den Kunden Zahlungen mit ihrem Smartphone auszuführen (Weitere Infos über TWINT).

Während dem Zahlungsprozess kommuniziert das Plugin im Hintergrund über eine sichere Verbindung mit dem Server von mame bzw. TWINT und der Kunde wird auf die Zahlungsseite von TWINT weitergeleitet. Nach erfolgreicher Zahlung per Smartphone wird der Warenbestand und der Status der Bestellung bei WooCommerce automatisch aktualisiert und der Kunde auf die Bestätigungsseite weitergeleitet.

Es kann zwischen einer Integration via Server von mame und der direkten Integration auf dem eigenen Server gewählt werden. Die Integration via Server von mame bietet folgende Vorteile:

  • Abo-Zahlungen via Woo Subscriptions.
  • Speicherung von TWINT als Zahlungsmittel für künftige Zahlungen ohne Mobilgerät.
  • Beste Performance: Performance hängt nicht vom Server oder deinem Webhosting ab. Der Zahlungsprozess findet auf den sicheren Servern von mame statt.
  • Weniger Rechenlast auf dem eigenen Server/Onlineshop.
  • Zahlungsprozess unabhängig von der Server-Umgebung : Weniger Plugin- und Theme-Konflikte.
  • Hohe Sicherheitsstandards für die Kommunikation mit TWINT und die Speicherung von sensiblen Daten.

Die Transaktionsgebühren für die Integration via Server von mame betragen 0.3%, jedoch mindestens CHF 0.20 pro Transaktion. Zusätzlich fallen Transaktionsgebühren bei TWINT an (in der Regel 1.3%)

Updates können nach Aktivierung der Lizenz wie herkömmliche WordPress-Plugins direkt auf der Plugin-Seite innerhalb der WordPress-Administration heruntergeladen werden.

Für die Einbindung von TWINT in WooCommerce wird neben dem Plugin zusätzlich ein kostenloses Händlerkonto bei TWINT benötigt.

Bitte lies vorher die wichtigen Hinweise in der Anleitung, um sicherzugehen, dass das Plugin kompatibel ist und verwendet werden kann.

mame ist offizieller Softwarepartner von TWINT.


  • Zahlungsschnittstelle für Zahlungen per TWINT App.
  • Abo-Zahlungen via Woo Subscriptions (nur bei Integration via mame).
  • Kompatibel mit WooCommerce Blocks.
  • WPML-kompatibel.
  • Speicherung von TWINT als Zahlungsart für künftige Zahlungen (nur bei Integration via mame).
  • Kompatibel zu WooCommerce 7.x – 9.x, WordPress 5.7-6.6.x.
  • Mit der erworbenen Lizenz erhältst du Updates und Support (per E-Mail) für die angegebene Anzahl Websites für ein Jahr.
  • Das Plugin wird nach Ablauf der Lizenz nicht gesperrt, d.h. es darf nach Ablauf der Lizenz für die in der Lizenz bestimmten Anzahl Seiten weiterverwendet werden. Die einwandfreie künftige Funktionsfähigkeit des Plugins ist jedoch nur mit gültiger Lizenz mittels Updates gewährleistet.
  • Plugin auf Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch und Italienisch (Zahlungsmaske), Einstellungen auf Deutsch und Englisch.
  • Mit Schritt-für-Schritt-Anleitung auf Deutsch und Englisch
  • Kompatibel mit WooCommerce HPOS.
  • Einfacher Update-Prozess innerhalb der WordPress-Administration
  • Optionaler Installationsservice (CHF 50.-/Seite)
  • 30% Rabatt bei Erneuerung der Lizenz vor Ablauf.


  • Kostenloses TWINT Händler-Konto.
  • Gültiges SSL-Zertifikat für die Domain der Website.
  • PHP Version 7.0 oder höher.
  • SOAP-Modul (SoapClient) aktiv auf dem Server. Das Modul kann üblicherweise in den PHP-Einstellungen des Webhostings aktiviert werden. Kontaktiere andernfalls deinen Webhost.


  • Eine Lizenz berechtigt zur Verwendung des Plugins für die erworbene Anzahl Endprodukte (Endprodukt: Eine Anwendung, z.B. eine Website).
  • Eine Lizenz beinhaltet Updates und Support (per E-Mail) für ein Jahr für die ausgewählte Anzahl Websites.
  • Eine automatische Erneuerung der Lizenz kann jederzeit gekündigt werden. Die Lizenz ist in dem Fall gültig bis zum Ende der bezahlten Periode.
  • Ein Plugin darf nach Ablauf der Lizenz für die erworbene Anzahl Websites weiterverwendet und die Lizenz kann bei Bedarf erneuert werden, jedoch ist die künftige Funktionsfähigkeit des Plugins nur mit gültiger Lizenz (mittels Updates) gewährleistet.
  • Für WordPress MultiSite-Installationen muss das Plugin für die Anzahl installierter/vorhandener Seiten erworben werden.
  • Lizenzen dürfen unter folgenden Voraussetzungen auf andere natürliche oder juristische Personen übertragen werden:
    • Es wird die gesamte Lizenz übertragen, wodurch die Lizenz sowie die mit der Lizenz verbundenen Plugins nicht mehr vom ursprünglichen Halter der Lizenz verwendet werden dürfen.
    • Der neue Halter akzeptiert diese AGB sowie alle andere Vertrage und Bedingungen, denen Sie im Zusammenhang mit der Lizenz zugestimmt haben.
  • Das Plugin selbst bzw. der Sourcecode darf nicht weiterverkauft/verteilt werden.
  •  x 

    Wird einmal pro Jahr in Rechnung gestellt bis zur Kündigung

  •  x 

    Wird einmal pro Jahr in Rechnung gestellt bis zur Kündigung


  •  x 

    Wird einmal pro Jahr in Rechnung gestellt bis zur Kündigung

  •  x 

    Wird einmal pro Jahr in Rechnung gestellt bis zur Kündigung


Einrichtung des Plugins und der Verbindung zum TWINT-Account (1 Website).


Anleitung lesen


Version: 6.0.4


Version 6.0.4 – 27.06.2024

  • Fix – URL to registration page.
  • Fix – Polylang fix.

Version 6.0.3 – 30.05.2024

  • Fix – Use wc_get_product instead of constructor for virtual order check.

Version 6.0.2 – 29.05.2024

  • Fix – Spawn monitor order task if repeated requests fail (direct).

Version 6.0.1 – 13.05.2024

  • Enhancement – Directly run migrations on plugin update.

Version 6.0.0 – 10.05.2024

  • Feature – Added integration via mame.
  • Feature – Added Woo Subscriptions support (via mame).
  • Feature – Allow customers to save TWINT as a payment means.
  • Feature – Option to set status to cancelled or failed on cancelled/failed payments for direct integration.
  • Fix – Use different variable name when localizing script for WC_Blocks.
  • Enhancement – Added documentation link to setup assistant.
  • Enhancement – Removed periodic system check and instead send an email if transaction fails on checkout.
  • Enhancement – Only show setup assistant on main settings page.

Version 5.5.3 – 29.02.2024

  • Fix – Use mb_substr for WooCommerce order data in reference to account for special characters at end of string.

Version 5.5.2 – 05.02.2024

  • Fix – Declare all properties to prevent deprecation warnings.

Version 5.5.1 – 26.10.2023

  • Fix – Use filter woocommerce_available_payment_gateways to conditionally show TWINT on the checkout.
  • Fix – Correctly sort logs.

Version 5.5.0 – 23.10.2023

  • Feature – Added WooCommerce HPOS compatibility.
  • Fix – Monitor order if order in incorrect state in webhook response.
  • Fix – Save order confirmation pending status.
  • Enhancement – Show different notice for timed out payments.
  • Enhancement – Try to cancel order if customer cancels the payment.

Version 5.4.2 – 11.10.2023

  • Enhancement – WC_Blocks: use payment_gateways function instead of get_available_payment_gateways to prevent calling woocommerce_available_payment_gateways filter hook.

Version 5.4.1 – 19.07.2023

  • Fix – Correctly save certificate password for HTML encoded input.

Version 5.4.0 – 28.04.2023

  • Feature – Added setting to force cURL request with IPv4.
  • Fix – Admin_Ajax::confirm_transaction: return order_status and order_reason.

Version 5.3.1 – 31.03.2023

  • Enhancement – WC blocks: use payment_gateways instead of get_available_payment_gateways to check if gateway is enabled.

Version 5.3.0 – 10.03.2023

  • Feature – Added option to start background task via cron job.
  • Enhancement – Background task: check if maximum execution time is almost reached and spawn new background task.
  • Enhancement – Background task: check if memory limit is almost reached and cancel transaction.
  • Fix – Type in AJAX nopriv background task action.
  • Fix – TransactionHandler: check if TWINT URL exists before checking timestamp.

Version 5.2.1 – 01.03.2023

  • Enhancement – Activated AJAX background task request by default.

Version 5.2.0 – 17.02.2023

  • Feature – Added option to start background task via AJAX request.
  • Fix – Correctly check and update pending orders in cron job.

Version 5.1.0 – 14.02.2023

  • Feature – Added option to run async task immediately (default).
  • Fix – Use correct home URL for plugin updates.

Version 5.0.6 – 07.02.2023

  • Fix – Strip slashes for password in setup editor.

Version 5.0.5 – 07.02.2023

  • Fix – Spawn background task when order_uuid already exists.
  • Fix – Correctly display gateway toggle in setup assistant.
  • Dev – Removed Parameter OrderUpdateNotificationURL in SOAP request.

Version 5.0.4 – 13.01.2023

  • Fix – Use order currency instead of WC currency if available.

Version 5.0.3 – 23.12.2022

  • Fix – Add cron action to confirm order after some time if order confirmation fails. Send email if failing.
  • Enhancement – Retry order confirmation if in wrong status.

Version 5.0.2 – 19.12.2022

  • Fix – Initially create folders and save DB version.
  • Fix – CancelOrder function: get correct data from TWINT.
  • Fix – Timed lock comparison.

Version 5.0.1 – 14.12.2022

  • Fix – Enqueue frontend scripts.

Version 5.0.0 – 12.12.2022

  • Feature – Implemented hosted TWINT checkout page.
  • Feature – Added TWINT enable/disable toggle to setup assistant.
  • Feature – Added settings tab to display and download file logs.
  • Enhancement – Update field values when saving setup assistant steps.
  • Enhancement – Directly start order without checkin first.
  • Enhancement – Removed license check cron.
  • Enhancement – Used timed lock for order status update.
  • Enhancement – Removed unused settings page.
  • Performance – Use file logging instead of DB logging.
  • Performance – Replaced per-order cron actions with single cron job for all orders.
  • Dev – Always use PAYMENT_DEFERRED.
  • TWINT – Use API version 8.4.

Version 4.1.1 – 14.11.2022

  • Fix – Add successful order to transactions.
  • Enhancement – Replaced comma with dot for amount on checkout page.
  • Enhancement – Removed logging in order status check.

Version 4.1.0 – 08.11.2022

  • Feature – Added button in metabox to cancel unconfirmed transactions.
  • Enhancement – Always require confirmOrder request for all TWINT orders.
  • Enhancement – Show order confirmation and cancellation buttons in metabox for all unconfirmed orders.
  • Fix – Only monitor order from monitor checkin if startOrder was called and UUID is saved.

Version 4.0.2 – 07.10.2022

  • Fix – Don’t aquire start order lock in monitor_checkin function.
  • Fix – User agent check in WC blocks.
  • Fix – Check if fee property exists before accessing amount.
  • Enhancement – Skip payment complete lock if it can’t be acquired whithin reasonable time.
  • Enhancement – Added request ID to logs.

Version 4.0.1 – 23.08.2022

  • Fix – Format string correctly in sprintf.
  • Fix – Check if user agent exists.

Version 4.0.0 – 26.07.2022

  • Feature – Setup assistant on settings page.
  • Feature – Added setting for deferred payments and button to settle deferred payment.
  • Feature – Select order status for deferred payments.
  • Fix – Order status check: check if order exists.
  • Fix – correctly update order data if payment is complete (IMMEDIATE).
  • Enhancement – Added WP version, WC version and PHP version to logs.
  • Enhancement – Monitor order on status NO_PAIRING in monitorCheckin if order was started.
  • Enhancmenet – User feedback when code is copied to clipboard.
  • Dev – Use API version 8.3.

Version 3.4.0 – 05.05.2022

  • Feature – Download logs button.
  • Feature – Added option to select order status for non-virtual orders.
  • Feature – Added instructions field to payment method settings.
  • Fix – Removed duplicate slash from asset paths.
  • Enhancement – Close logs overlay on click outside of overlay.

Version 3.3.1 – 10.03.2022

  • Fix – WC_Helper: check if cart exists before emptying it.

Version 3.3.0 – 20.01.2022

  • Feature – Added setting to set SOAP connection timeout.
  • Fix – Remove BeaconId check when enrolling cash register.
  • Enhancement – Return status TIMEOUT when repeated request fails and schedule status check.
  • Enhancement – Lower default SOAP connection timeout (25).

Version 3.2.9 – 29.11.2021

  • Fix – Display switch-to-app button in mobile in-app browsers.
  • CSS – Removed top border of payment mask in Safari browser.

Version 3.2.8 – 01.11.2021

  • Fix – removed duplicate actions from Order_Ajax_Handler.

Version 3.2.7 – 27.10.2021

  • Fix – Save order UUID on successful order.
  • Enhancement – Request order data to save transaction if not data is provided.
  • Logs – Added user agent info.

Version 3.2.6 – 22.10.2021

  • Fix – Replace undefined constants for license check.

Version 3.2.5 – 21.10.2021

  • Fix – Get TWINT gateway in WC_Blocks_Payment_Method_Type::get_payment_method_script_handles.

Version 3.2.4 – 21.10.2021

  • Fix – Check existing payment methods in WC_Blocks_Payment_Method_Type::is_active.

Version 3.2.3 – 18.10.2021

  • Enhancement – Use DB lock for exclusive access to complete order.

Version 3.2.2 – 12.10.2021

  • Dev – Added filter to modifiy Store UUID.

Version 3.2.1 – 11.10.2021

  • Fix – Directly include dependencies for WP Blocks scripts.

Version 3.2.0 – 11.10.2021

  • Feature – Added support for WC Blocks.
  • Dev – Added filter to modify SOAP data.

Version 3.1.0 – 05.10.2021

  • Fix – Don’t use repeated requests for StartOrder request.
  • Fix – Use lock per pairing UUID.
  • Fix – Check if order UUID exists when StartOrder fails.
  • Enhancement – Use DB lock for exclusive StartOrder request.
  • Enhancement – Don’t delete Order UUID when payment fails.

Version 3.0.5 – 28.09.2021

  • Fix – Remove new from wc_get_order in Event_Handler.

Version 3.0.4 – 27.09.2021

  • Fix – Only save PairingUUID for process which started order.
  • Enhancement – Replace usage of WC_Order constructor with wc_get_order function.

Version 3.0.3 – 22.09.2021

  • Fix – Correctly lock startOrder and payment update to prevent concurrent access.
  • Enhancement – Added filter for currency.

Version 3.0.2 – 17.09.2021

  • Fix – Prevent serialization of Closure when updating post meta for logs.
  • Fix – Check if license status is not false before accessing array offset.

Version 3.0.1 – 08.09.2021

  • Fix – Removed call to die() when loading template in WC_Gateway_Twint.

Version 3.0.0 – 01.09.2021

  • Enhancement – Manually empty cart after payment.
  • Enhancement – Cancel payment when customer clicks back to basket button.
  • Enhancement – Cache result of network license check.
  • Enhancement – Changed timeout to be applied only once. Default timeout = 180.
  • Enhancement – Added error messages to checkout.
  • Enhancement – Also abort checkin/payment on timeout.
  • Fix – Check if response contains OrderStatus or Status object since TWINT sometimes returns one or the other.
  • Fix – Correctly handle NO_PAIRING status.
  • TWINT – Use API version 5.1.
  • Dev – Refactored payment process.

Version 2.2.4 – 19.07.2021

  • Enhancement – Cache result of network license check.

Version 2.2.3 – 21.06.2021

  • Fix – Manually empty cart after successful payment to account for problem where cart is not emptied for mobile payments.

Version 2.2.2 – 21.06.2021

  • Fix – Check for different response structures in StartOrder response.

Version 2.2.1 – 10.05.2021

  • Enhancement – Added filter for merchant reference order id.
  • Enhancement – Set flag if payment was intiated via TWINT to display metabox.
  • Fix – Certificate renewal: delete temporary file instead of new certificate.
  • CSS – Price font.
  • Dev – Added constant TWINT_DEBUG to prevent log posts from being public when WP_DEBUG is set.

Version 2.2.0 – 18.03.2021

  • Feature – Option for order status for virtual orders.
  • Feature – Added setting to change SOAP call interval and set default to 2 seconds.
  • Enhancement – Check if startOrder already called for order_uuid to prevent startOrder from being called multiple times.
  • Enhancement – Trim spaces around UUID before saving.
  • Enhancement – Save all logs in one post and log all payment events.
  • Dev – Added template loader and moved payment page to template.

Version 2.1.12 – 04.02.2012

  • Fix – WPML Multilingual did not use correct currency and amount in AJAX calls.

Version 2.1.11 – 25.01.2020

  • CSS – Defined a max-width for the qr code and the description box.

Version 2.1.10 – 20.01.2021

  • Fix – Check if WooCommerce is active before including settings tab.

Version 2.1.9 – 30.12.2020

  • Fix – Use plugin name instead of item ID for update check.
  • Fix – Load settings page on init hook for WC version lower than 3.0.2.

Version 2.1.8 – 21.11.2020

  • Fix – Continue with MonitorCheckin on pairing status NO_PAIRING.

Version 2.1.7 – 03.11.2020

  • Fix – Always use weak cipher since SoapClient seems to cache the stream context.

Version 2.1.6 – 21.10.2020

  • Fix – Use wc_get_order instead of WC_Order constructor in Log_List_Table.
  • Fix – Manually load WC_Settings_Tab_Twint in woocommerce_get_settings_pages filter to make sure that WC_Settings_Page is loaded.

Version 2.1.5 – 09.10.2020

  • Enhancement – Retry SOAP request with weak/strong cipher based on previously used cipher.
  • Fix – Added correct links to system emails.

Version 2.1.4 – 30.09.2020

  • Fix – Check if get_post_timestamp exists. The function is only available in WooCommerce version 5.3 or newer.

Version 2.1.3 – 28.09.2020

  • Enhancement – Only show TWINT metabox for TWINT orders.
  • Fix – Limit Register ID to 50 characters.

Version 2.1.2 – 22.09.2020

  • Fix – Certificate expiry check: fixed RenewalAllowed property access.
  • Fix – Added option to use weaker cipher for SoapClient connection.
  • Fix – Include files on plugins_loaded hook.

Version 2.1.1 – 11.09.2020

  • Fix – Check if file exists before autoloading.
  • Fix – Always check if certificate file directory exists before saving the certificate file.

Version 2.1.0 – 06.09.2020

  • Enhancement – Display errors and license data on license activation/deactivation/check.
  • Enhancement – Log license errors.
  • Enhancement – Raised POST request timeout for license check.
  • Dev – Updated Plugin_Updater.

Version 2.0.6 – 04.09.2020

  • Fix – Correct link to TWINT settings tab in license notice.
  • Fix – Correct plugin_file for plugin_action_links_ hook.

Version 2.0.5 – 01.09.2020

  • Enhancement – Set unpaid orders to ‘cancelled’ instead of ‘failed’.
  • Fix – Show App icons also for Facebook in-app browser.

Version 2.0.4 – 29.08.2020

  • Fix – Corrected plugin file path for Plugin_Updater.

Version 2.0.3 – 29.08.2020

  • Fix – Removed logging of user agent which led to errors in some cases.
  • Fix – Added page number to logs query in Log_List_Table.

Version 2.0.2 – 24.08.2020

  • Fix – Check if function is callable before invoking SoapClient function.
  • Fix – Return JSON error message on error for payment page request.

Version 2.0.1 – 21.08.2020

  • Fix – Check if SOAP is enabled before loading plugin. Show notice if SOAP is not enabled.

Version 2.0.0 – 21.08.2020

  • Feature – Added log list table to TWINT settings section.
  • Feature – Added option to set number of logs to settings.
  • Feature – Added option to set number of days after which to delete logs to settings.
  • Feature – Added option to define the interval of the system check to settings.
  • Feature – Added automatic renewal of TWINT certificate.
  • Feature – Send admin email when TWINT fails to connect on the checkout.
  • Feature – Added transaction status check button to order admin.
  • Feature – Added buttons to check certificate expiration and renew certificate.
  • Feature – Added weekly certificate expiration check.
  • Enhancement – Added fees to transaction list.
  • Enhancement – Perform system check three times before sending email.
  • Enhancement – Retry confirming payment if it fails.
  • Enhancement – Added backtracks to logs.
  • Fix – Removed database update notice on first install.
  • Fix – Show App icons also for Instagram in-app browser.
  • Fix – Issue where certificate file was overwritten with legacy certificate data from database.
  • Fix – Leave order pending instead of setting it to failed for status FAILURE and NO_PAIRING.
  • Update – Using version 2.1 of TWINTMerchantService.¨
  • Dev – Moved classes into namespaces.

Version 1.11.7 – 23.07.2020

  • Fix – Renamed WP_Background_Process to Mame_Background_Process to prevent naming conflicts.
  • Fix – Renamed WP_Async_Request to Mame_Async_Request to prevent naming conflicts.

Version 1.11.6 – 22.07.2020

  • Fix – Only set payment to failed if order is not complete.
  • CSS – Changed payment icon max height to 30px.

Version 1.11.5 – 05.06.2020

  • Enhancement – Use checkout icon in SVG format.

Version 1.11.4 – 04.06.2020

  • Fix – Removed status change of order to pending payment in wait_for_pairing function.

Version 1.11.3 – 28.05.2020

  • Fix – Compare against navigator.platform to detect iOS devices.

Version 1.11.2 – 27.05.2020

  • Fix – Backend AJAX request: hide loader on error.
  • Fix – Detect if device is iOS case insensitive.
  • Dev – Added TWINT test mode which can be used by setting the constant TWINT_ENVIRONMENT.

Version 1.11.1 – 15.05.2020

  • Fix – Set keep_alive of SoapClient to false. Otherwise the SoapClient reuses the connection without handshake and it might time out before a response is received. The default PHP timout is 5 seconds and SOAP requests are made every 5 seconds.

Version 1.11.0 – 12.05.2020

  • Enhancement – Add a scheduled event when payment is initiated to check payment status after some time.
  • Enhancement – Fail orders where a negative response from TWINT is received. Retry all payments which time out or where the status is unclear.
  • Enhancement – Retry payments where a SoapFault is received.
  • Dev – Added new status RETURN_TO_CHECKOUT for JSON response to return to checkout without changing status.
  • Dev – Removed all code related to the environment field which was removed in version 1.10.0.
  • Fix – Raised SoapClient socket timeout which led to errors.

Version 1.10.0 – 09.05.2020

  • Enhancement – Return error messages for every step in the certificate conversion for the certificate upload field.
  • Enhancement – Removed unnecessary test environment fields which lead to confusion.
  • Enhancement – Added more explanations to settings fields.
  • Enhancement – Removed enrolment step from certificate upload field.
  • Enhancement – Convert pfx files to pem (certificate upload field).
  • Fix – Mask more special characters before saving the certificate password.
  • CSS – Changed button styles.

Version 1.9.0 – 01.05.2020

  • Feature – Added option to check pending payments and set them to status failed after some time.
  • Enhancement – Don’t set payments to status failed when payment fails. Instead keep status pending payment and show a message on the checkout page.
  • Tweak – Changed retry interval to 5 seconds to speed up payment process.

Version 1.8.1 – 23.04.2020

  • Enhancement – Schedule event to check and update payment status when payment fails.
  • Fix – Set payment status to failed on timeout.
  • Tweak – Set payment status to failed instead of cancelled if payment is not successful for any reason.
  • Tweak – Set default timeout to 300.

Version 1.8.0 – 19.04.2020

  • Feature – Added payment icons of most used apps to payment mask.
  • Feature – Option to add customer details to reference number.

Version 1.7.9 – 17.04.2020

  • Fix – Changed default action for AJAX response to retry and check the payment status instead of aborting.
  • Tweak – Added single event to check and update the payment status after 2 minutes after a payment is completed.

Version 1.7.8 – 07.04.2020

  • Fix – Added class Mame_WC_Helper to make plugin compatible to WooCommerce versions prior to 2.7.0.

Version 1.7.7 – 16.03.2020

  • Compatibility – Added WooCommerce version 4.0.0 compatibility header.

Version 1.7.6 – 06.03.2020

  • Fix – Check if woocommerce class exists to check if plugin is active instead of using the is_plugin_active function to prevent errors for mu-plugins and renamed folders.

Version 1.7.5 – 06.03.2020

  • Fix – Moved check for active WooCommerce plugin and other filters and actions into plugins_loaded hook.
  • Fix – Removed modification of undefined element #logo-container in twint-redirect.js.

Version 1.7.4 – 04.03.2020

  • Fix – Use woocommerce_payment_gateways filter independently on payment gateway class initialization.

Version 1.7.3 – 25.02.2020

  • Fix – Initialize gateway on init hook to allow check for changed currency.

Version 1.7.2 – 24.02.2020

  • Fix – Added option to check for currency CHF to conditionally show payment gateway on the frontend.

Version 1.7.1 – 23.02.2020

  • Fix – Include plugin.php before calling is_plugin_active function.

Version 1.7.0 – 23.02.2020

  • Feature – Added cron event to enroll cash register and send an email if it fails.
  • Feature – Certificate upload field: convert uploaded txt files to pem.
  • Feature – Added option to show payment processing notice on the payment page.
  • Tweak – Only enable TWINT gateway if currency is CHF.
  • Tweak – Removed back to cart button on the bottom of the payment page.
  • Tweak – Updated frontend payment mask for better mobile device UX.
  • Tweak – Removed certificate text field.
  • Security – Certificate conversion: delete uploaded file after conversion to pem.
  • Localization – Added language files for de_CH_informal.

Version 1.6.2 – 05.09.2019

  • Tweak – Added CSS class to QR code image to prevent Jetpack lazy loading.
  • Fix – Mask special characters in password before saving.

Version 1.6.1 – 26.06.2019

  • Feature – Display Logs in order admin screen.
  • Tweak – Prune logs in background process if they exceed the threshold.
  • Tweak – Added de_CH translation files.
  • Tweak – Load payment mask via AJAX to prevent requests to TWINT on checkout page.
  • Dev – Added background process functionality.

Version 1.6.0 – 27.05.2019

  • Feature – Added single transactions to TWINT meta box.
  • Feature – Added Logging class to provide more logs for payment process.
  • Fix – Display meta box.
  • Tweak – Minified js files.
  • Dev – Save TWINT data in hidden meta array.
  • Dev – Added certificate handler.
  • Dev – Added gulp dev tools.

Version 1.5.8 – 06.05.2019

  • Fix – Use property instead of constant for display name.

Version 1.5.7 – 06.05.2019

  • Fix – Use returned URL on checkout to redirect to the corresponding screen instead of the URL in the wrapper element.
  • Fix – Decode HTML entities before sending response to frontend script.

Version 1.5.6 – 03.05.2019

  • Fix – AJAX call arguments on checkout.

Version 1.5.5 – 03.05.2019

  • Fix – Preserve certificate line breaks when options are saved.
  • Fix – Corrected option name for cashier registration.

Version 1.5.4 – 01.05.2019

  • Fix – Added custom settings field for certificate password to prevent escaping of special chars on output.
  • Tweak – Restrict certificate upload to administrator role.

Version 1.5.3 – 26.04.2019

  • Fix – Removed error message from admin and frontend if create_client fails.
  • Tweak – Remove certificate field if upload and enrollment of certificate is successful.

Version 1.5.2 – 25.04.2019

  • Fix – Handle exception for status check and checkin in frontend.
  • Fix – Delete certificate files on update and activation.

Version 1.5.1 – 24.04.2019

  • Fix – Correctly save test certificate in own file instead of overwriting prod certificate on plugin update.

Version 1.5.0 – 23.04.2019

  • Feature – Implemented TWINT browser to app to allow users to switch to the TWINT app on the checkout.
  • Dev – Moved payment script to own js file.
  • Dev – Moved payment_page.php into WC_Gateway_Twint.
  • CSS – Smaller font for amount on mobile screens.

Version 1.4.3 – 18.04.2019

  • Fix – Enqueued wp media for the upload editor in the TWINT admin screen.
  • Tweak – Admin styles.

Version 1.4.2 – 17.04.2019

  • Fix – Renamed certificate option name.
  • Fix – Removed automatic cashier enrollment.

Version 1.4.1 – 17.04.2019

  • Fix – Correctly save previous certificates.

$Version 1.4.0 – 17.04.2019

  • Feature – Upload field to upload certificate file in pkcs12 format and automatically convert it to PEM format.
  • Tweak – Renamed CSS names to prevent conflicts.
  • Tweak – Removed notice “connecting to twint” on checkout page.

Version 1.3.5 – 11.04.2019

  • Fix – Correctly check, activate and deactivate licenses of the current blog.

Version 1.3.4 – 09.04.2019

  • Fix – Correctly check activated licenses in multisite installations.

Version 1.3.3 – 27.02.2019

  • Fix – Check if certificate fields not empty if pkcs file cannot be converted to use existing certificate.

Version 1.3.2 – 22.11.2018

  • Fix – Use correct nonce for cashier register AJAX call.

Version 1.3.1 – 20.11.2018

  • Fix – Payment page styles.
  • Tweak – Use Mame_Licensing and Mame_Plugin_Updater for license and updates.

Version 1.3.0 – 17.08.2018

  • Feature – Refunds.
  • Tweak – Only show payment data metabox in TWINT orders.
  • Tweak – Admin styles.

Version 1.2.6 – 31.06.2018

  • Fix – Allow failed orders to be paid.
  • Fix – Remove unnecessary nonce in payment process.
  • Fix – Correct license notice redirect.
  • Tweak – Added translations.

Version 1.2.5 – 14.04.2018

  • Fix – Correct admin URL for network AJAX requests..

Version 1.2.4 – 12.09.2017

  • Fix – Wrong check to complete the order.

Version 1.2.3 – 09.09.2017

  • Fix – Round amount to two decimals.
  • Fix – Replaced deprecated direct property access to order status.
  • Fix – Close session before calling sleep.
  • Fix – Correct update URL for multisite installations

Version 1.2.2 – 13.07.2017

  • Fix – Payment handler proceeds with payment without AJAX requests.
  • Fix – Unique MerchantTransactionReference on TWINT order start.
  • Fix – Fixed no-js payment process.
  • Tweak – Replaced deprecated WooCommerce update option hook.

Version 1.2.1 – 12.06.2017

  • Feature – Copy to clipboard button for mobile devices.
  • Fix – AJAX handler to continue with unfulfilled payments.
  • Fix – Replaced deprecated WooCommerce query args with endpoint.
  • Tweak – CSS responsive styles.

Version 1.2.0 – 01.05.2017

  • Feature – Set timeout in settings.
  • Update – New TWINT payment mask.
  • Update – Localization.
  • Fix – enroll cash register on activation.

Version 1.1.2 – 20.12.2016

  • Fix – Bug on settings page that occurred if certificate is created from settings field content.

Version 1.1.1 – 19.12.2016

  • Fix – Fixed bug that occurred on plugin update.

Version 1.1.0 – 27.11.2016

  • Feature – Automatic certificate generation.
  • Feature – System status section.
  • Tweak – Save production and test params.
  • Tweak – Automatic register enrollment.
  • Fix – No register enrollment on plugin acivation.

Version 1.0.4 – 28.07.2016

  • Fix – Assets now loading correctly.
  • Tweak – Regenerate key and enroll register on activation.

Version 1.0.3 – 01.05.2016

  • Fix – Renamed constants due to conflict with PF plugin.
  • Fix – Renamed localized php variables due to conflict with PF plugin.

Version 1.0.2 – 29.04.2016

  • Fix – Renamed licensing settings field due to conflict with other plugin.

Version 1.0.1 – 29.04.2016

  • Fix- changed function to retrieve cart totals.
  • Tweak – frontend styles.

Version 1.0.0 – 29.04.2016

  • Release.

Free registration for PostFinance E-Payment

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[contact-form-7 id="122" title="PF Registration from DE"]